
WhenwetestcamerasandsensorsatDXOMARK,itrequiresover1600imagesinavarietyoflabandnaturalenvironmentstogetagoodmeasurementofits ...,TheDXOMARKscoresintherankingsbelowreflectthedevice'sperformanceandthequalityoftheuserexperience.,Camerasensorrankings.TheDXOMARKscoresintherankingsbelowreflectthedevice'sperformanceandthequalityoftheuserexperience.,DXOMARK'scomprehensivecameralenstestresultdatabaseal...

Smartphones vs Cameras

When we test cameras and sensors at DXOMARK, it requires over 1600 images in a variety of lab and natural environments to get a good measurement of its ...

Smartphone Ranking

The DXOMARK scores in the rankings below reflect the device's performance and the quality of the user experience.

Camera Sensor Ranking

Camera sensor rankings. The DXOMARK scores in the rankings below reflect the device's performance and the quality of the user experience.

Camera lens rankings

DXOMARK's comprehensive camera lens test result database allows you to browse and select lenses for comparison based on their characteristics, brand, price, ...

Comparing the original and new DxOMark Mobile test ...

So our new DxOMark Mobile includes a Zoom sub-score that evaluates a camera's performance at a variety of distances from a fixed-size subject. Having a second ...


DXOMARK gives you the expert reviews on latest smartphones, cameras and speakers! We test and score smartphones for you to make a smart buying decision.

Camera sensor rankings

Choose the cameras you want to compare from the results below. Then in the selection box, you can check up to three cameras at a time to compare their data.

Smartphone Camera Reviews

All camera tests. THE SCIENTIFIC DATA BEHIND SCORES & REVIEWS. Smartphones Sensors Lenses Speakers Laptops. Smartphones, Sensors · Lenses · Speakers ...